Living the
Way of Jesus

Together in SLO

We’re all becoming something. The question is not “if?” but “who?”. Together, we desire to grow as followers of Jesus, to share His love, hope, and peace in our cities and neighborhoods in our everyday lives.

What does it mean to live the Way of Jesus?

Following Jesus is not a Sunday thing. It’s a whole life oriented toward Jesus thing.

To live the Way of Jesus is to live, love, and serve like Him. It means organizing your life so that through spending time with God you overflow the love, hope, and peace of Jesus into your relationships. Together, we’re committed to growing more like Jesus through community, groups, and prayer.

SLO City Church Prayer Room

Prayer Room

Schedule some time to come and pray in our special room dedicated entirely to prayer. There will be various stations set up for you to engage with different forms of prayer.

We hope this time spurs our prayer life to new levels of depth and intimacy with God.


Throughout the year, groups are offered as a safe place to grow in community and in the practices of Jesus.

We laugh together, we search the Scritpures together, we pray together and we do life together. You’re invited to step into a life changing group!

Follow Jesus Through Baptism

Baptism is our response to saving work of Jesus in our lives. Learn more about how you can take the step of baptism.

Step into Growth Through Community

Learn more about how you can grow as a follower of Jesus in community.